Friday, May 29, 2015

Seeking synergy with #bernie2016

There is a lot of tweeting going on under the hashtag #bernie2016.

Bernie is probably becoming the leading national spokesperson on behalf of "getting money out of politics."

MAYDAY.USMoveToAmendRepresent.UsWolfPacStamp Stampede, Take Back Our RepublicNHRebellion and other campaign finance reform organizations should seek synergy with the #bernie2016 movement.

I propose to tweet to tweeters who are using the #bernie2016 hashtag to try to inform them about the efforts of campaign finance reform organizations, and to solicit "synergy" between the #bernie2016 movement and the campaign finance reform movement.

In my tweets, I will include a link to this blog entry.

So let me set forth the solicitation here in large font:
Please consider synergy with the work of the campaign finance reform organizations MAYDAY.USMoveToAmendRepresent.UsWolfPacStamp Stampede
Take Back Our Republic NHRebellion and other organizations. 

Update 6/1-- Please bear with me if I tweet to you more than once. To push this forward, I need to keep tweeting as I seek participation and support from the campaign finance reform organizations and their followers. See @YoBenCohen and What I am tweeting to #Bernie2016. Thanks.

Update 7/19-- See Proposed messaging re: Congress; Tweet to AZ Cong'l delegation

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