Monday, June 29, 2015

MAYDAY supporters interested in Bernie synergy

The below is a post and comments on I think the post and comments show interest by MAYDAY supporters in synergy with Bernie. I have been working for a month to promote this. (See Seeking synergy with #bernie2016 and subsequent posts.) I think MAYDAY should do more to promote it.

are other mayday supporters supporting bernie sanders? i am. i did a recurring monthly donation through act blue. he will not have a super pac. seems like the super pac to end all super pacs isn't really necessary! just give directly to bernie's campaign.
  • 14 people like this.
  • Rachel Pie Bob i am a big bernie fan, but i don't think he can do it alone.
  • Pam Kies-Lowe I have also donated to Bernie's campaign & plan to work for him when he gets an office nearby! He doesn't have to do it "alone" - HE HAS US!!!
  • Pamela Volentine Rushing that's what by the people means. smile emoticon
  • Joel Osborne More importantly, why isn't the Mayday PAC backing Bernie?
  • William Don Smith I support him and have contributed.
  • Pamela Volentine Rushing Joel Osborne, Bernie says he won't have a Super PAC, and I guess that's what Mayday PAC is, even though it was funded by us. BUT maybe something is in the works behind the scenes. Lessig has been quiet lately. Whatever the case, we know which candidate best Represents US, and we can give directly to his campaign. grin emoticon
  • Joel Osborne Thank you, Pamela, just seems ironic....but of course, the entire mission of the Mayday PAC is ironic - in a good way!
  • Pam Kies-Lowe MAYDAY IS US, people! Talk to Lessig & the gang to let them know what WE will support with our dollars!!
  • Rebecca Arington Lately, Mayday PAC has focused it's efforts on passing fundamental reform legislation in Congress. And that work is paying off! 

    Since the election is 17 months away, I think it will be awhile before you see Mayday "backing" anyone financially. Also, 
    remember that it's set up as a CONGRESSIONAL super PAC. I'm not entirely clear on the legalities but I do know that the organization can't just simply decide to support a non-congressional candidate (presidential, state, etc.). 

    I think Bernie is the strongest reform-minded candidate in the mix. But Rachel is right - no President can single handedly change the way campaigns are funded. We need a cooperative Congress.
    13 hrs · Edited · Like · 4
  • Zach Weigand Yep, huge fan of Bernie. Already donated once, probably won't be the last. He's got far better momentum than I ever expected!
    2 hrs · Like · 1

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