Wednesday, June 3, 2015

What I would suggest

Subject to learning what the thinking of the CFR organizations is, here is my thinking relative to Seeking synergy with #Bernie2016.

I take seriously a quotation from a Forbes magazine article which MAYDAY has put on the MAYDAY.US front page (at the lower right of the front page). The quotation is:
“The mortal struggle at hand today is not between the right and the left. It is not between Republicans and Democrats. It is not between the Congress and the president. It is between us (currently outsiders to our own government) voters and the Washington Insiders.”
My thinking associated with the foregoing quotation is elaborated at I tweet to defeat the money monster, and I think it is worthwhile for you to read that link to understand better what I suggest here.

Please also read Votes, money, organizing, messaging.

Overall, I think CFR organizations should push as hard as they can on campaign finance reform as the "first issue," and their goal should be achieve as much publicity of the same to voters and the public as they can.

CFR organizations should always keep in mind the staggering amounts of money the CFR organizations are up against, and they should have no qualms about instigating as many grassroots volunteers as they can to do massive directed tweeting to tactical targets on Twitter. The only concern should be that tweeting volunteers seek to stay within the Twitter terms of use and avoid having their Twitter accounts suspended or terminated by Twitter. See Spamming on Twitter.

Turning to synergy with #Bernie2016, I would suggest that the gist of a message on a CFR organization webpage that gets clicked on by a #Bernie2016 supporter who is tweeted to should be along the lines of:

To #Bernie2016 Activists
[Name of CFR organization] believes it is imperative that the "first issue" for voters in the United States needs to be to "fix" a corrupt political system that seriously impairs our country's governance for its citizens. For further explanation of this, please read [link] and/or watch the video at [link].
Congress and state legislatures will not act on their own to fix the corruption, and the citizens must take the necessary steps either to force Congress and state legislatures to take action, or bypass Congress and state legislatures.
The enemy has staggering amounts of money to spend to obstruct fixing the corrupt system. The citizens have only their overwhelming numbers to fight the enemy and force change.
The citizens have the power of the social media to fight against the corruption.
[Name of CFR organization] believes Bernie Sanders can be a tremendous catalyst in the fight of the citizens against the corruption.
[Name of CFR organization] desires synergy with the #Bernie2016 movement and we are exploring ways to develop such synergy.
One of the things we are doing is designing a tweeting campaign to develop the synergy and then to tweet it out to voters in as many places as possible. We hope activists for #Bernie2016 will join in with us. Please tweet us or email us if you think you would be willing to help out. We will give more details about the tweeting campaign as we develop it.
If a CFR organization wishes to pursue the above suggestion, I would be pleased to help out.

[This entry is a continuation of What advice can I contribute?.]

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